We’re excited to be welcoming back Olly Harrison at the Royal Cheshire County Show!
17 June 2023

Agriconnect’s Olly Harrison, alongside a team of some familiar faces from the farming community, recently took part in a cross-country Combine Challenge to raise awareness and funds for Mind, mental health charity and Children with Cancer UK.
The challenge consisted of a combine harvester being driven by the team of 4, from John o’ Groats to Land’s End, which took place the challenge took place between the 4th and 8th June 2023. The total distance covered was 875 miles and so far, the team has raised an incredible £87,000 towards this incredible cause!
You can find out more about the #CombineChallege from the Just Giving page, where you can also make a donation,
Click here to book your tickets now to see Olly Harrison at the Agri-centre at the Royal Cheshire County Show.