We are delighted to announce Phillip Percival as the 2022 winner of the Capesthorne Cup!
8 March 2023

Photograph shows Mr Percival receiving the trophy from Patron of the Cheshire Agricultural Society Sir William Bromley-Davenport.
The Capesthorne Millennium Cup (CMC) was kindly donated by Sir William and Lady Bromley Davenport of Capesthorne Hall, to the Cheshire Agricultural Society and was awarded for the first time at the Society’s AGM in the Year 2000. It is now awarded annually “for exceptional endeavour in promoting the interests of agriculture or countryside related activities in Cheshire”. The award is administered through a small Committee set up by the Cheshire Agricultural Society. This Committee contains a member of the Bromley Davenport family.
The trophy is in the form of an antique silver tankard with lid and finished with a swan finial.
The Cheshire Agricultural Society seeks nominations from other organisations concerned with agriculture and the countryside in Cheshire. A list of the organisations invited to make nominations can be seen below. The Society appreciates this may not be a comprehensive list and will consider any suggestions for further organisations to be consulted.
The Cheshire Agricultural Society is also delighted to have been able to make a donation to the Air Ambulance, Scouts and Cheshire Young Farmers.