Statement – HS2 Route.
20 July 2017

The organisers of Royal Cheshire County Show would like to express their disappointment at the decision to route the planned HS2 line through the Cheshire Showground.
Show chairman Tony Garnett DL FRAgS, said, “We are proud to be in possession of one of the finest greenfield show grounds in the country and will not allow this news to cast a shadow over the show. The show has faced much bigger setbacks during its 175-year history and has come through bigger and better than ever. This will be no exception.”
With 2-3 more shows to plan before the HS2 is scheduled to commence construction, the Cheshire Agricultural Society, who organise the event, have reassured show supporters that it is very much business as usual, as plans for next year’s show are already underway.
Nigel Evans, Executive Director of the show said “Rest assured that the Society will be taking every available course of action to secure the best possible outcome for our beloved show, to ensure that it continues to be enjoyed by the many thousands of visitors, competitors and trade exhibitors now and for future generations to come.”