Sam on the Farm Vlog
29 September 2020

Firstly I need to apologise that it’s been a while since I’ve been in touch about all the goings on down on the Farm. The past 12 months has gone by so incredibly quickly, I can’t quite believe we’re in October! I’m sure most of you will agree that it feels like we’ve never really had a 2020, it certainly never really got going anyway! However with all the local lockdowns, social distancing and having to wear face masks, life on the farm has carried on. It always makes me feel happy that the farming calendar goes on regardless of what’s going on in the world, the seasons change regardless of what else is going on.
We’re in the piggery this time and meeting Tallulah the Tamworth pig. We’re looking to get her pregnant with a Tamworth boar, only problem is, we haven’t got one! Tamworth’s are a rare breed of pig and it’s vital that we conserve their numbers and make sure the breed stays in existence. But how will we get her pregnant if we don’t have a Tamworth male? I’ll show you!
(Warning- content may not be suitable for all audiences as it discusses where baby pigs come from!)