Royal Cheshire County Show 2016 Competition Closing Dates
28 April 2016

Time can get away from the best of us so we’ve put together this handy list of the all-important competition closing dates for the 2016 Royal Cheshire County Show to help to make sure you don’t miss your chance to compete!
NOTE: We have acted on advice from the British Rabbit Council and regret to advise that in 2016, the Rabbit Section will not go ahead as a case of VHD2 has been detected in the local area.
NOTE: Deadline extended for Cattle Section entries after DEFRA grants post-TB testing exemption for cattle at Royal Cheshire County Show 2016 – Read the full story
Light Horse Entries have already closed so thank you to everyone who entered and we look forward to seeing you at the Show.
The Judges’ list for June 21-22 can be accessed here.
Visit the competition schedules and entry forms at our website here.
Early bird tickets which will save you money on the gate entry price are also available for purchase now at the ‘Tickets’ section of this website.
See you at the Show!