HS2 Threat to The Royal Cheshire County Showground
3 February 2017

The Cheshire Agricultural Society regrets to announce that the proposed HS2 route will cross the showground of The Royal Cheshire County Show, taking up to 100-120 acres of land at the Tabley site.
This will inevitably have a major impact on our beautiful and peaceful showground, which has hosted the show since 1990. Whilst we may not be able to prevent the construction of the route going ahead, we may be able to influence its final position and style of construction to minimise its impact where possible.
You can view the proposed route by downloading this PDF.
This new proposed route is currently out for consultation until March 9th 2017 and as such we are inviting you, our valued show supporters to express your views on the impact the proposed route will have upon the showground.
You may wish to consider the below points in your response:
• The original proposed route would have much less impact on the showground and was in fact in a cutting, reducing the impact even further. This would be our preferred option.
• The visual impact and disruption of such a high embankment across the showground.
• The noise levels that will be experienced across the showground given the direction of the prevailing wind and the destruction of the general ambience of the site.
• The considerable disruption to the show during the extensive construction period of HS2 and how this may be mitigated.
How to respond to the HS2 proposed route consultation.
You will need to complete a response form which can be obtained from visit www.gov.uk/hs2 or call 020 7944 4908
You can also respond to the consultation as below:
Online: https://route2b.dialoguebydesign.net
Email: route2b@dialoguebydesign.net
Post: Freepost HS2 Phase 2B, Route Refinement Consultation.
Rest assured that the Society will be taking every available course of action to secure the best possible outcome for our beloved showground.
We do hope you will consider contacting HS2 expressing your views of this new proposed route over the showground as we feel the louder the voice we have, the greater opportunity we will have of
minimising the impact of HS2.
Thank you.