Danger ahead at the Royal Cheshire County Show’s NAFAS Flower Marquee!
11 April 2016

A visit to this year’s National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies (NAFAS) Flower Marquee at the Royal Cheshire County Show comes with a warning – you may just discover how addictive flower arranging is!
From fantastic floral displays, hands-on workshops, tips to brighten up any room in the house and bountiful expert advice from the passionate NAFAS Cheshire Area team, a visit to the marquee is a must.
There are 47 clubs throughout Cheshire county where enthusiasts learn and teach techniques, watch demonstrations and visit flower festivals so with this many people already hooked on the art, it’s a warning worth heeding!
Chair of the NAFAS Flower Marquee Lynda Braddock said that the arrival of spring had brought a much-needed dose of colour and inspiration to the county – as well as bringing us a step closer the Show on June 21 and 22.
“The excitement already from the NAFAS Cheshire Area team is overwhelming,” she said.
“The fact that this year the Show is celebrating its first with royal status, it’s the Queen’s 90th birthday and that the Cheshire Area of NAFAS is celebrating its sapphire anniversary, there’s a lot to look forward to.
“We try to encourage visitors to get involved with our ‘Hands On’ area for adults where visitors can learn to create a buttonhole or corsage, and this year we are also showing how to transform the appearance of leaves to make your arrangement look that little bit more special.
What’s On Guide
Lynda said one of the aims of the NAFAS Cheshire Area team members who attend the Show was to instil a love for flowers in children.
“We have a ‘Hands On’ area for children where they can construct their own creative arrangement to take home with them,” she said.
“A section is already included in the competitive programme for the children to make an arrangement, and as the overall theme of the marquee is ‘Let’s Face the Music’, the title of the children’s section is ‘Hot Chocolate’.
“We have asked that they produce an arrangement in either a cup or mug which can be made in advance and brought just before the show or on the day for staging.”
Flowers have a tremendous ability to make people smile – they’re colourful, cheerful and with the exotic flowers now available, stunning arrangements can be created.
For anyone who feels an arrangement is too complicated, a simple vase of flowers can bring a room to life.
“However, we hope that seeing the fabulous arrangements created by the talent we have in Cheshire visitors to the Show will want to learn more,” Lynda added.
“Have a go but beware, it can become addictive!”
The national NAFAS magazine titled ‘The Flower Arranger’ will be available at the marquee trading table along with a selection of ‘How To’ books and leaflets.
The Royal Cheshire County Show, in conjunction with the Royal Horticultural Society Tatton Park Flower Show, is promoting its Dual Ticket Offer again in 2016.
With a £35 Dual Ticket, visitors receive entry to both the Show and RHS Tatton Park Flower Show on July 20-24.
See the ‘Ticket’ area on this website for purchasing information.
The next Royal Cheshire County Show is on June 21 and 22 at Clay House Farm, Flittogate Lane, Tabley, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 0HJ.
See you at the Show!