Sam on the Farm: April Update


By Sam Walton

We are living in very surreal times aren’t we? Lockdown has well and truly taken hold, we’re staying at home and not getting to see our friends and family as we’d like to.

However the animals on the farm don’t know a thing about this and their lives carry on as normal. As we’re in Spring, the grass is starting to grow and we’ve managed to get out on the tractor and do some rolling and harrowing of our grass land. It’s amazing as there was a point during January that I thought the fields would never ever dry out! We’ve managed to get some muck spread onto our maize field too, and that will be ploughed in and the field drilled with more maize seed in the next few weeks, ready for our Maize Maze!

However in April there’s only one event that dominates at this time of year and that event is Lambing! Whether there’s a pandemic on or not, our sheep have got to give birth! And as you will see, it’s been a busy old time. Hopefully next time we speak, there may be some light at the end of the tunnel with Covid 19 and our lives may start to slowly get back to normal, just like the farm animals.

Stay safe, Sam.